照 片 (Photo) |
1、 申请人简况/Personal information:
姓名(同护照用名)/Name (Same as in Passport):
姓/Family name:
名/Given name:
出生日期/Date of birth: 年/Year 月/Month 日/Day 出生地点/Place of birth:
性别/Sex: 国籍/Nationality: 护照号码/Passport No:
母语/Native language: 宗教/Religion: 婚姻状况/Marital Status:
联系地址/Present Address:
电话/Tel.: 传真/Fax: Email:
2、 受教育情况(填至申请日)/Education background(to the application):
学 校 在 校 时 间 主 修 专 业 所获毕业证书及学位证书
Institution Years attended(from/to) Field of study Certificate obtained
3、 工作经历/Work Experience:
工 作 单 位 起 止 时 间 从 事 工 作 职 务 及 职 称
Employer Time(from/to) Work engaged Posts held
4、 语言能力/Language proficiency:
会 晤 阅 读 写 作
Speaking Reading Writing
*请用很好、好、一般或不会自行评价并填入空格/Evaluate your ability as Excellent, Good, Fair or Poor in the blank.
5、 来华学习计划/Proposed study in China:
a.) 本科生/Bachelor’s degree candidate: □; 普通进修生/General Scholar: □;
硕士研究生/Masters degree candidate: □; 高级进修生/Senior Scholar: □;
博士研究生/Doctoral candidate: □; 研究学者/Research scholar: □;
* 请在所选的项目方框内打“╳”/Please indicate with a cross in the bracket.
b.) 申请学习专业或研究专题/Subject or field of study:
c.) 申请专业学习时间/Duration of specialized study:
自/from 年/Year 月/Month至/To 年/Year 月/Month
d.)是否需要实习汉源/Do you need elementary Chinese study prior to specialized study?
否/No:□;是/Yes: □;
如“是”,请填写申请汉源实习时间(不计在专业学习时间内)/If ‘Yes’, Please indicate the duration of your elementary Chinese study(Not included in the length of specialized study).
自/From 年/Year 月/Month 至/To 年/Year 月/Month
6、曾发表的主要学术论文、著作及作品/Academic papers, writing & art works published:
7、 在华学习或研究的详细内容(另可附纸)/Please describe the details of your study or research plan in China (An extra paper can be attached if this space is not enough).
8、申请人在华事务联系人或机构/The guarantor charging your case in China:
名称/Name: 地址/Address:
电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: Email:
9、申请人是否曾在华学习或任职?如“是”,请注明具体情况/Have you ever studied or worked in China?
If ‘Yes’please give details:
在华时间/Time in China:
10、申请人亲属情况/Members of family:
姓 名 年 龄 职 业