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Shipment Notification

  ________ Co., Ltd
  Dear Sirs:
  Thank you for your letter of ______ enquiring about the shipment of your order under contract ___________.
  Please accept my apology for the delay which has been caused by the unavailability of shipping space from _____ to ________.
  The matter was, however, in hand and your consignment was shipped yesterday on board SS __which is sailing directly to______
  I enclose one set of shipping documents comprising:
  1.One non-negotiable copy of the bill of lading
  2.Commercial invoice in duplicate.
  3. One copy of the certificate of guarantee.
  4. One copy of the certificate of quantity.
  5. One copy of the insurance policy.
  I am glad that we have been able to execute your order as contracted. I trust the goods will reach you in time for the winter selling season and prove to be entirely satisfactory. I will personally ensure that you receive our prompt and careful attention at all times.

Yours faithfully,

Chief Seller


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