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Cease and Desist Letter Sent by Spouse

  Name of Spouse:_________
  Dear Name of Spouse:____
  I am writing you this letter to document a series of physical beatings I received from you during the month of (specify)。
  Such conduct has caused me to suffer severe humiliation and embarrassment, emotional distress, and physical discomfort from lacerations and other visible bruises. I have taken photographs of my injuries as proof of your acts.
  Please treat this as my final demand for you to cease and desist perpetrating any conduct of a threatening nature upon me. This includes.findlaw verbal threats, abusive language, and physical contact. In the event this request is ignored, be assured I will call the police and seek a temporary order of protection in the family court. This order may, among other things, prohibit you from remaining in our marital residence. I have consulted an attorney who will file criminal charges as well as a civil lawsuit grounded in assault and battery, not to mention a request for the police to arrest you.
  Hopefully, all of this will not be necessary. I suggest you hire an attorney to contact my lawyer within the next several days in the amicable attempt to resolve our marital difficulties and avoid expensive and protracted legal intervention.

  Very truly yours,

  Name of Spouse:____________
  Name of Your Attorney :____

  Send certified mail, return receipt requested.
  Author's Note: A similar version of this letter can be sent by your attorney if you prefer.


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