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Notice served on the court pleadings

()__ No.__ (案件编号)                            
()__  No.__ (serial number of the case)

  Name of legal entity/citize:
  本院业已受理__ 诉你追索一案,要求你立刻偿还货款__ 元,利息__ 元。因无法找到你,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第84条的规定,现本院向你公告送达起诉书。自公告发布之日起经过60天即视为送达,期满后15天内提出答辩。逾期将依法判决。
  This court has accepted a lawsuit of dispute on goods money filed by __ against you, demanding you to pay promptly the goods of __ yuan and its interests __  yuan. As you can nowhere be found, and according to Article 84 of the Civil Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China, this court now serves you the civil bill of indictment by publishing this announcement. You may reply within 15 days after the serving period. Otherwise the verdict will be made according to law.

People's Court   
_ 年__ 月__ 日   
_____ (Date)   

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