State Tax Bureau, the People’s Republic of China
Quarterly Income Tax Return for Enterprises with Foreign
Investment and Foreign Enterprises
纳税季度:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日 第 季度 填表日期 年 月 日
Form date month year Date of filling: date
Taxable puarter: to date month year month year
Monetary Unit:RMB Yuan
纳税人编码 Tax payer’s file number |
This return is designed in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises and Article 94 of the Detailed Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises. You should fill it out based on the facts and file it with the local tax authorities within 15 days after the end of the quarter.
企业名称 Name of enterprise |
地址 Address |
邮政编码 Post code | ||||
业别 Kind of business |
电话号码 Tel. number |
银行帐号 A/C number | ||||
项目 Items |
帐载金额 Amount per Book |
自行依法调整后金额 Self-adjusted amount according to the law |
备注 Remarks | |||
利润(亏损)额 Profit(loss) |
1.本季销售(销货)或营业收入净额Net sales or net revenue from operation of the quarter |
| ||
2.本季利润(亏损)额Prof-it(loss)of the quarter | ||||||
应纳税所得 税额的计算 Computation of taxable income |
3.本季度按实计算的应纳税所得额 Taxable income Computed on actual basis 3=2 |
| ||||
4.上年度应纳税所得额的四分之一 1/4 of the taxable income of last year |
| |||||
5.经编写利润率计算的应纳税所得额 Taxable income computed on deemed profit rate basis |
| |||||
6.经税务机关认可的其他方法计算的应纳税所得额 Taxable income computed on the basis of other methods recognized by the tax authorities |
| |||||
应纳企业所得 税额的计算 Computation Of enterprise income tax |
7税率% Tax rate |
| ||||
8.应纳企业所得税额 Enterprise income tax 3×7或4×11或5×11或6×11 |
| |||||
9.减免企业所得税额 Enterprise income tax exempted or reduced |
| |||||
10.实际应缴企业所得税额 Enterprise income tax to e paid 8-9 |
| |||||
应纳地方所得税额的计算 Computation Of local income tax |
11.税率% Tax rate |
| ||||
12.应纳地方所得税额 Local income tax 3×11或4×11或5×11或6×11 |
| |||||
13.减免地方所得税额 Local income tax exempted or reduced |
| |||||
14.实际应缴地方所得税额 local income tax to be paid 12-13 |
| |||||
15.本季前已缴企业所得税额 Enterprise income tax prepaid |
| ||||
16.本季前已缴地方所得税额 Local income tax prepaid |
| |||||
授权代理人 Authorized agent |
(如果你已委托代理申报人,请填写下列资料) 为代理一切税务事宜,现授权 (地址) 为本企业的代理申报人、任何与本申报表有关的来往文件都可寄与此人。 授权人签字: (Fill out the following if you have appointed an agent) For purposes of handing tax a ffairs, I hereby authorize (address) to act on behalf of my company. All documents concerned with this return may be posted to the agent. Signature | |||||
会计主管人签字: 代理申报人签字 企业盖章
Accountant General(Signature) Agent(Signature) Enterprise(seal)
以下由税务机关填写:(For official use)
收到日期 |
接收人 |
审核日期 |
| |
审 核 记 录 |
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